Thursday, May 1, 2008

Interview with: Jude Cowell

Q: How or when did your work with Astrology begin?

A: I have planet Uranus in the 10th house of my Natal Chart. My interest began at age twelve when I purchased two Astrology books by Linda Goodman; Sun Signs and The Only Astrology Book You'll Ever Need, when my secondary Midheaven progressed to my Natal Uranus.

As a teenager, it was frustrating reading for I hadn't the instruction or experience to apply the concepts properly so I put them away until my early 20’s as I began my family.

In 1996 I re-read The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. I have to admit to all who ask me that ‘Yes’ Astrology can’t be validated but it works none-the-less. There really is something to it. Now eleven years later I still haven't quit reading about Astrology.

Q: What books or mentors most influenced your geo-political writings?

A: I have lived in Washington DC twice so I didn't need much boost to my political interests especially after I discovered Mundane Astrology. I also have four Natal planets in the sign of Capricorn. My primary influences have been Marjorie Orr's wonderful website and E. Alan Meece's book Horoscope for the New Millennium. I also use Bernadette Brady's Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark for eclipse information.

I attended Bernadette Brady’s workshop around the time that her book Fixed Stars was published. I have found her work to be invaluable. There have been some astrologers who quibble with a few of Meece’s predictions, but I don't know of anyone else who foresaw that the 2000 election would play out in such a way that the U.S. Supreme Court would circumvent an election. I find his book very helpful for cyclical information, historical eras, charts such as the ‘Generation of Materialism’ (robber barons 1890’s) and the ‘Modern Humanity’ chart, it is inspiring politically.

Q: Briefly describe Tertiary and Minor Progressed charts; do you use Terts over Secondary Progressions; how are Minor Progressions derived from a Natal chart?

A: I use Progressed charts and Midpoint “pictures” on my blog as a kind of shorthand. It's a good way to look under the hood. Lest I mangle his expert work, I should direct you to Robert Blaschke's Astrology: A Language of Life: Vol. I: Progressions.

Blaschke’s 'Clock of Life' model is a good way to think of these Progressions: Physical Plane / Secondaries: the Hour hand, moves the planets one day for a year based on the Earth day + Sun year; Emotional-Feeling-Intuitive Plane / Tertiaries: the Minute hand, moves the planets apx. 13 days per year, based on a day for a lunar month; Mental-Causal Plane / Minors: the Second hand, moves the planets apx. 27 days per year, based on a lunar cycle for a year.

This is described by the mystical ratio 1:13:27 with "1" being the physical, "13" being the emotional-feeling, and "27" the mental-causal.

We think 27x faster than we act and feel 13x faster than we act. We have a thought then a feeling or intuition about that thought, then either we act or don't, we procrastinate or something else prevents action. Perhaps we "think better of it.” This is a holographic model with Spirit ascending and descending to and from matter.

From this model you can also locate traumas from the past that may express physically in illness or disease. Transits are triggers to the Natal and Progressed charts. Carter's ‘Nativity Rule’ must be considered of course: stating that nothing can come of any Transit or Progression unless it is promised in the Natal chart. His ‘Law of Excitation’ applies as well since nothing significant occurs without the planets first being in aspect natally. When you put all these factors together it explains why some Transits or Progressions express while others come to naught.

But it's the Terts and Minors with the Secondary Progressions that allow you to look under the hood. You asked if I analyze Terts over Secondaries: Terts are a part of the holographic system for understanding cause-and-effect. I do use Terts on my blog particularly with charts of historical figures, or events, to see if the information contained therein relates to current events, transits or cycles under consideration and often they do. The astrologer’s consciousness comes into play as well; as when my own Natal chart correlated to a historical figure's Progressions.

Individual charts continue to be triggered long after the person is gone. Ones interests in life no matter what the timeframe, unfold expressing the purpose for their natal identity and earthly birth. When you hear news that a long-gone artist, musician, politician, is having their works republished, excavated, or something of the sort look at their Natal chart to see what's being triggered--it's fascinating.

Q: Do Midpoints have more strength in conjunction with planets or at chart angles?

A: With planets being ‘actors’ and angles being ‘places’ of energy manifestation, I'd have to say strength has to do with the planet's condition in the chart, including the Natal chart, if applicable. For example: if Mars, in aspect with other planets or angles, is considered the strongest Natal planet and Transiting or Progressed Mars is triggering the Natal chart to an ‘Internal’ Midpoint or with a Transiting ‘External’ Midpoint, the Natal Mars may express very strongly. But the expression would occur in the pertinent house / department of life.

The angles and houses are places where things happen, the planets are the energy we may use to make them happen. I often use Midpoints to interpret between-the-lines qualities which are at times more descriptive of what’s going on in a chart especially if a Midpoint is at a sensitive degree like 29th degree or at an angle, naturally it could be triggered dramatically in such a case. Yet it all involves weighing chart factors as per usual.

Q: Will any political group benefit from the Jupiter/Uranus square series this year?

A: The last conjunction of Jupiter/Uranus was Feb 15, 1997 @05AQ 55 between transiting Mercury/Neptune. This is very close to the "Medina degree" @06-07AQ; Neptune's position as Mohammad entered Medina--the beginning of Islam. Intuitive, imaginative Mercury/Neptune can have an illusory and deceptive quality yet embody lots of great hopes and inventiveness.

The computer Internet revolution really took off with much flair and high hopes around that time. Uranus has its connection to new technology and Jupiter loves to expand whatever he touches. 2006: The year that Jupiter–Uranus trine or Ju/Ur ‘things’ went smoothly. This year’s Ju/Ur square is more intense and may bring about ‘crisis in consciousness’ as can all waning squares. Medical breakthroughs may hit some blocks during the square phase. I'm thinking of Merck's new viral inoculation for young ladies to which many parents are saying,’ No Thanks.’

But what does Ju/Ur as a pair signifies? Ebertin gives them a 'lucky chance’ or ‘blissful realization' flavor; while Noel Tyl describes them as 'the big break success’ or ‘going ones way to greener pastures.' Basically those are the same things with Jupiter expansion and philosophical interests and Uranus revolutionary spirit, originality, and exciting shocks or surprises tied together.

As I look at the Natal charts for the Republican and the Democrat Natal charts, I'd have to say the Dem Party has a better chance of benefiting, although I wouldn't rule out the formation of a new party or political group of some sort.

The Dem Party's August 2006 Secondary New Moon @22SG 44, has their light increasing, while the GOP peaked in April 2005 with a Secondary Full Moon @12Ge 08 conjuncting U.S. N/ASC. Sibly. 2007: Transiting Jupiter and Uranus will be in trine with Dem planets and forming a T-square with their Natal Mars giving them a correct grasp of situations along with timely actions. Ju/Ur = new ways of travel, lumbering Air Bus planes, perhaps teachers' strikes, religious alienation, racism, exiles on the move, with bright ideas like light bulbs switching on overhead.

Yet with the square’s contention along the way Jupiter/Uranus rules, according to Sybil Leek’s 1972 book The Astrological Guide to Financial Success, the aerospace industry, and as I make these notes this evening, NPR reports a Dubai company will be purchasing an aerospace maintenance company owned by the Carlisle Group -- an aerospace company partially owned by Bush Senior.

The rich will be getting richer no matter their political stripe under fortunate Jupiter/Uranus. If you read my blog, you know that I consider Washington to be political theater above all, and the R vs. D "differences" to be little more than illusion. Washington power plays are usually egos erupting with a smidgen of philosophical disagreements thrown in for photo ops.

I believe ‘Class Warfare’ to be the base of much of what has been afoot for years now; the ruling elite, as they call themselves, forcing the New World Order upon us all. Our Founders were of the same ilk but took into consideration the common good -- a phrase seldom uttered in government of late; just as well since it would be more hypocrisy if they did.

The Dems are Up: since T/Pluto ‘power’ has already conjuncted the Dems' New Moon degree, and T/Jupiter will conjunct it in Autumn 2007, I expect the Dems' light to continue growing as the powers-behind-the-throne Jupiter/Pluto = plutocracy to use Dems as their shills and operatives perhaps more than the GOP. Then again there might be some politicians who may care for the future of this nation in a humanitarian way!

The waxing fortunes of the Dems might even be behind their "wins" last November and the GOP uncharacteristic backing off from the fight. They both said, "The American people have spoken." Does anyone really believe that matters to Washington DC anymore? But it matters to me and to you. We must all involve ourselves on a much deeper level and demand accountability from our ‘apparent’ representatives.

March 20, 2007

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